Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Music to my ears.

The Ipod playlist. A very personal choice of music. Filled with current favourites, all time classics and the odd cringe-worthy song that you secretly love.
Im a closet 'ballad-lover'. You know - Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Guns 'n Roses - November Rain, a bit of Toni Braxton and even Miley Cyrus' latest 'When I look at you'.

My bf strongly dislikes my playlist and I dont fancy his playlist all that much either. But I do have to say that im a bit more accepting of all musical tastes than he is.

But whether you're a closet Abba fan or even like the odd Backstreet Boys hit, everyone has their hidden pleasures.

So turn it up on your drive home from work or whilst cleaning the house and sing along loud and proud! Because each song may have a special meaning to you, or it may bring back a happy memory.
Either way, 'Music is medicine for the soul' (I read this somewhere and couldnt agree more).

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sweet Dreams.

One thing that has gotten me through my first day back at work (after 11 very relaxing days off) is the knowing that tonight my bf is home after 7 nights of night shift.
Sweet dreams and snuggles!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Picture Perfect

Ive been looking around for some artwork to fill my home with and came across this Aboriginal Art Store.
The paintings here are by Australian Aboriginal Artists and are absolutely exquisite.

Here are a few that are on my wish list:
Im going to have to do some overtime at work so that I can purchase one or two pieces! (Or maybe ill get a surprise for my birthday?)

Spring time

It is impossible to not feel full of happiness and life when the first signs of Spring time are sneaking in. I decided to go for a drive along the beach with a nice hot chai latte (Muffin Break does the best!).
My backyard

Everyday should be a reminder of how lucky we are. I am going to start looking for the special things in each day. Ill let you know what I find!

To work or not to work?

I am always coming up with 'fantastic' projects for myself to do to either:
1. Not work at all; or
2. Work from home
Unfortunately, I never follow through with any of these ideas as staying in my current job is the 'safest' option and the most foolproof.

I agree with those that believe we should have a 3 or more day weekend. Isnt life meant to be enjoyed rather than work away all week and collapse in an exhausted heap by the weekend?
But then again, the less we work the less we earn and although 'they say' money doesn't buy happiness, It sure helps, right?

One day im going to take the leap and do something that I enjoy and make my life have some meaning, not just working within the masses.

I know I have many talents and that they are going to waste each day that I wait, but Im also secretly satisfied in the knowing that im slowly working, sneaking, towards my ultimate goal of happiness and daily enjoyment by planning and preparing for the moment when I do take the leap.

Im sure everyone feels the same.

Ill keep you posted on my journey