Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fantastic idea of the day.

Enrol in a beginners Italian language class and then travel to Italy.

Chocolate addiction.

I need to make myself feel better about eating chocolate. So im going to justify myself here.
Like most workplaces, my office is flooded with chocolate vending machines and those boxes of chocolates that are put out to raise money for schools or life saving clubs or other such groups.
I recently lasted 2 weeks without having a chocolate. Prior to that I would have one every day and this week I have been back to having one each day again!
My justification is as follows;
  1. I refuse to buy the regular size chocolates and only purchase the 'fun size' ones (partly because of the cost and partly because eating less is better for you?).
  2. I always check the fat and sugar content and choose the chocolate that has the least (It still tastes as good!).
  3. I dont have any other sweet or dessert that day.
  4. I eat fruit and vegies and salad throughout the day.
I try so hard to get home without having a chocolate but by 2.30pm I actually feel like I cant go on without having a little chocolate to get me through.

This is enough justification, right?

I've decided the walk up hill to my car at the end of the day works the chocolate off anyway (wishful thinking). =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Hunt.

I have been on the hunt for over a year. Scouring the internet. The newspapers. Shop windows!
The ever elusive dream job.
Or any job really? Just one that is relevant to my chosen career path. Or even just one that I enjoy each and every day.
I have known what I wanted to do since I was in year 10. I have been completing course after course for the last 5 years to assist me in my pursuit. I've had a 12 month stint in the workplace doing my dream job (sadly resigned to pursue a life by the beach).
There are weeks when I think I cant take it anymore and want to give up the hunt. The endless 'unsuccessful' emails and 'unfortunately you didnt get the job' phone calls. My support group (Bf, family & friends) continually tell me, 'You'll get the right job for you and it will be perfect'. To which I reply in my head 'Isnt 12 months enough of a wait?'.
But just as quickly I am invited to another interview or I think ive finally found the job of my dreams and put my all into an application.
Someone told me (I have no idea who or when - you'll get used to me being like that) that for every interview attended (within the Sydney area) there will be approximately 45 'unsuccessfuls' before it. Not sure if that is true, but it sure feels like it!

Anyway, back to my wardrobe. I have an interview on Friday and need to prepare the perfect outfit!

Good luck to any other job junters out there! It will happen!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Picnic day.

Macadamia Farm
Saturday turned out to be everything promised and more. The sky was a perfect blue. The sun kissed the skin very nicely.
A picnic lunch was packed. Sandwiches, greek salad, potato salad and fruit.
We played with the horses in the neighbours paddock at the Lavendar Farm, lay on the grass and ate our picnic and then drove along to a Macadamia Farm!
The owner of the Macadamia Farm gave us a bucket and let us gather the Macadamias off the ground. He then took the outer shell off of them and told us to leave them on the window sill for a few weeks until we can hear them rattle and then they are ready to be cracked open and eaten!
We tested a few that had been prepared earlier (haha) and also bought some Macadamia and toffee ice cream cones (made on the farm). Delicious! (And that is saying something as I can say im quite the ice cream connoisseur).

On the drive home we noticed these 'scarecrows' and had to get some pictures! People are so creative. There were many fantastic displays but here are just a few.

I hope everyone had as wonderful a weekend as I did!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Drink up.

"You can't not drink! Its her birthday!". A gal pals' boyfriend exclaimed today.
This weekend it is a close friends' birthday and a group of us are going out to dinner and then to a pub for a night of eating, drinking and dancing.
"I'll have a few glasses of wine but im not going crazy" was my answer.
"But you have to drink! She wont be happy." came the reply.
It annoyed me a little that this would be the response to my not wanting to drink. I've had my fair share of big nights which has then ended in my fair share of hangovers. I can also hold my own whilst drinking with friends, but the last few months i've just not been a big drinker.
My personal choice. No dietary reasons or anything, I just dont feel the need to drink and I definately do not feel the need to have a big night and end up feeling fragile the next day. Waste of time.
I hated the fact that I had to explain myself to my friends and I quickly advised them that I was not going to be peer pressured into it.
Im attending the birthday party and im going to have a good time. Little alcohol required.

Long whinge short, alcohol is a choice not a necessity. (I dont need to say anymore).

Monday, September 6, 2010

White Balloon Day.

Im currently reading the book, 'Broken' by Shy Keenan. It is a true story about Shy's battle as a child of sexual and physical abuse.
It is absolutely horrendous what she had to endure but she never gave up and kept fighting even when no one believed her.
I've found a group that are fighting the battle against child sexual abuse, 'Bravehearts Inc'.
Tomorrow, the 7th of September, it is 'White Balloon Day'.
"White Balloon Day is not only a day of recognition, awareness and support for the victims of child sexual assault but is also the principle fundraising initiative which enables Bravehearts to educate, empower and protect all Aussie kids."
Please visit this website and make a donation and forward the information to other people to help support the fight against child abuse.

Thank you

Sydney Adventures.

In a few weeks, a gal pal and I are spending the weekend in Sydney. We've both been to Sydney a million times. In fact, I used to even live there for a few years!
But this weekend is going to be different. We have big plans! Lots of adventures to be had.
We've got a fancy hotel (room service provided), a bit of savings and we're ready to take on the City!
Day 2 is already booked up with 'Parklife' (Missy Elliott here we come).
Sunny weather, music, laughter, dancing and lots of festival food - Sounds fantastic, I know!
Day 1 is completely ours to be like a tourist and take on the sites. Some possible activities include: SHOPPING, Ferry to darling Harbour, visit the Opera House & Sydney Harbour Bridge. The list is endless, I could go on and on and on.
We are so excited. Its such a simple weekend away but its a nice break and so nice to enjoy something without going far from home.

Photos will be provided. The count down is on!